Lines of products
Zenboté lines of products are named after the seven aesthetic principles of ZEN, also considered as the seven rules of Asian wisdom: Naturalness, Subtlety, Imperfection, Creativity, Tranquility, Simplicity and Austerity.
The true beauty is not ostentatious or explicite. Its attractiveness lies in the subtlety that stimulates curiosity and imagination. A skincare line that relieves and protects your dry and sensitive skins.
Life is not perfect. Neither is the true beauty. To accept and appreciate the imperfections is the way to a peaceful mind and a long-lasting beauty. A skincare line that improves the texture of acneic skins.
Beauty does not last for goods. Only new creativity is free to make wings for breakthroughs that enhance the beauty and form of human soul. A skincare line that reduces the appearance of aging spots.
It is in states of active calm, tranquillity, solitude, and quietude that we find the essence of creative energy. A skincare line that revitalizes your aging skins.
The true beauty does not need to be overstated or over decorated. The simpler it is, the more beautiful you are. An extra-gentle skincare line for babies and children.
This element reminds us to live up to the core values of things, to remove from our lives what doesn’t matter to make more room for what does. A skincare line especially conceived for men.